Welcome to prayerstogether.net

Add a request for prayer intentions and people following your prayer requests will see a request for prayers from you. We can pray together at the same time anywhere in the world which is the purpose of this site, the system automatically converts the time for prayer in your time zone.

For example it could be we have a prayer request in the USA at midday for 15 minutes but as a rough guide for us in Europe this will be anywhere from 18:00 in the evening. The system takes care of all these calculations.

Prayers can easily be added via a calendar or typical text boxes in the admin ... we can also leave comments and possible outcome of prayer as comments after the event. In our admin we can see all the activity of profiles we are interested in and following only so we'll never miss a request for prayer.

"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven"

Dedicated to Blessed Carlos.

Access by invitation only.

Live feed

We have a live feed as people will join the prayer page. You will be able to see who is online and in prayer with you at that moment. Each prayer page can also have comments added by users in thanks giving for the outcome of the prayer after the prayer has been said.

Prayer Calendar

Prayer requests can easily be added via a calendar or text with a duration of 15 - 60 minutes. Prayers can be set to repeat.

To view prayer times in your local time please click the calendar link and all profiles you are following will appear in the calendar.

Coming soon ...

In the future we wish to build a snapshot of everyone praying together.

We can look back on a prayer event and see who took part in prayer.